SEAMEO Secretariat would like to extend to you a warm invitation to join us in the “Webinar in Celebration of the International Day of Education: To Invest in People, Prioritize Education.�
The webinar will be on Tuesday 24 Jan 2023 at 10.00-11.30 hrs (GMT+7/BKK Time).
This webinar seeks to:
- Share and highlight the commitments and action points from the Transforming Education Summit; and
- Provide specific action points on prioritising education in line with selected key concerns such as early childhood education, greening education, and youth engagement, among others.
Pre-Registration Now
- Welcome and Closing Message
- Dr Ethel Agnes Pascua-Valenzuela
- Director, SEAMEO Secretariat, Thailand
- Transforming Education Agenda: From Commitments to Action
- Ms Margarete Sachs-Israel
- Chief of Section for Inclusive Quality Education
- UNESCO Bangkok
- Transforming Education in the Philippines
- Dr Margarita Consolacion Ballesteros (TBC)
- Director, International Cooperation Office
- Department of Education, Philippines
- Prioritising Early Childhood Education
- Ms Evelyn Santiago (TBC)
- Executive Director
- Asia Pacific Regional Network for Early Childhood (ARNEC)
- Greening Education
- Ms Won Jung Byun
- Programme Specialist, Section of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)
- UNESCO Paris, France
- Youth Declaration on Transforming Education
- Ms Kenisha Arora
- SDG4Youth Executive Committee Representative
Live on SEAMEO Secretariat YouTube Channel
24 Jan 2023, 10.00-11.30 hrs (GMT+7/BKK Time)
Check your location time