Islamic University of Kalimantan Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari (UNISKA MAB) was born from idea of religious figures and the demands of the Borneo community for create campus that themed Islamic and Intellectual Muslim.
Firtsly, The founder of UNISKA MAB begin the establishing of UNISAN (Islamic University of Antasari) in 1961 from the concept of the (ALM.) Zafri Zamzam. In 1964 UNISAN then officially affiliated by IAIN Antasari to IAIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta (Banjarmasin Branch) with the Rector (ALM.) Kh. Zafri Zamzam himself.
foresight the reality, in the seminar “History of South Kalimantan ” which took place in Banjarmasin MBKD 23 – 25 September 1973, followed by a similar seminar on the date of 8 – 10 April 1976 participants evocative the idea of establishing a private college that took the name Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al-Banjary as a memento for him as the first person reformer and propagbar of Islamic religion in South Kalimantan.
To become leading university in developing excellent and dignified persons, who have intellectual capability, based on islamic spritual, moral, and ethical values
- To Improve quality of education, research, and public services,by applying enterprising university’s principle;
- To tighten partnerships with relevant domestic and international instutions;
- To apply universal Islamic values in character building